Internet Safety: How To Spot And Avoid Scams


27 January 2023


Avoid Scams

Individuals and businesses are at increasing risk from online scams. Let’s set the scene.

  • According to International Data Corporation, there will be more than 40 billion connected devices worldwide by 2025.
  • Cyber Ventures reported that almost four million records are stolen daily due to data breaches, which is about 45 per second.
  • And a study from Maryland University demonstrated that there is a new victim of cybercrime every 39 seconds.

Online scams are costly and potentially fatal. While many dangers exist online, raising your awareness and adopting good habits can improve your information security and internet safety.

How to Spot (and Avoid) a Scam

Phishing attempts are the primary ways people are scammed online. Scammers may send these communications via social media and text, but the overwhelming majority use email.

While phishing attacks can be specific – known as spearphishing attacks – the vast majority are sent indiscriminately. Fortunately, this spam will tend to have some giveaways. Spotting these can help protect us and our data.


Demands for Personal Information

Reputable businesses don’t ask for personal information via email or social messaging. Delivery drivers that need you to confirm your full name and address are normally bogus. Banks and government departments never ask their clients to send sensitive data such as bank account information, usernames, or passwords via email.

Offers Too Good to Be True (Probably Are)

Be suspicious when offered extremely low-price goods, services, or holidays. If it makes you wonder how they can afford to make such a deal, the answer is that they expect to add hidden fees, or the offer doesn’t exist. The sender expects to gain valuable personal information from people eager to sign up.

Claims You Have Won Something

It’s exciting to win a contest or lottery draw but ask yourself if you even entered a competition. Messages like these generate excitement and prompt people to act quickly to claim their prize.

Such communications may also suggest that you have been personally and individually selected. In a way, you have been selected, but so have thousands of other people, and not for anything good.

Terrible Spelling and Grammar

Spam is renowned for its major spelling and grammar issues. To avoid scams, remember that businesses spend thousands on marketing. They work hard to ensure their communications are attractive and error-free. If you notice spelling and grammar errors, it’s unlikely to be from a reputable business.

Fake Addresses and Other Impersonation Attempts

Scams often use impersonation to benefit from a brand’s authority. People are more likely to believe a message if it seems to be from Microsoft or the Government.

To avoid falling for this trick, check the URL or email address carefully. A scammer typically alters a business name slightly to make it seem authentic, such as the Facebook instead of Facebook or Microsoft instead of Microsoft.

If the sender claims to be from a big organization but uses a generic email account, like Gmail or Hotmail, this is also a warning.

High-Pressure Tactics

Most scams work best for criminals when the victims don’t think too deeply about their actions. Communications that insist on an urgent, immediate response should be read very carefully. Verify the details where necessary.

More on Avoiding Scams

Now that you know how to spot and avoid specific scams, here are some more tips on how to avoid scammers in general.

More on Avoiding Scams

Use Reverse Phone Lookup Services to Verify Senders’ Details

One reason the internet is such a hotbed for crime is that it’s easy for criminals to maintain anonymity. Cybercriminals can stay off the radar by using a virtual private network and dealing in wire transfers and cryptocurrency. They can pretend to be someone else, of course; your bank manager; a delivery driver; or an IT help desk technician. Or a friend or family member.

If you’re not sure who you are communicating with, use the internet to your benefit. Go to PhoneHistory or any other reverse phone lookup site to verify people’s contact details. You can do this whenever you have suspicions or simply because you’re dealing with someone you’ve not met in a physical location.

Block and Report Spam

Don’t hit reply, no matter how much you’d like to hit the sender. Giving them a piece of your mind tells them you have an active email address and that other spammers should probably target you.

Most email service providers enable you to block and/or report spam. Ideally, do both. Depending on the email system, you might need to choose “block” before you see the option to report it, or vice versa.

Blocking and reporting spam helps your email provider eliminate spam emails from your inbox. And it can help them protect other users from potentially harmful communications.

Do Not Interact with Potential Scammers

Resist the temptation to click on a link within the message if you are suspicious about the sender’s intent. Clicking a link can signal to the sender that your email address is active and cause malware to be downloaded to your device.

Malware can cause many issues, including:

  • locking you out of your machine (a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS));
  • encrypting your data unless you pay a ransom for the decryption key (ransomware);
  • installing software that allows a third party to track your activities and/or keypresses (spyware).

Read Privacy Notices

Since the implementation of GDPR cybersecurity regulations, a pop-up frequently appears on visiting a website,  inviting you to read their privacy policy and asking you to confirm your preferences regarding cookies.

Most websites are reputable with good intent. Sometimes, however, they are willing to sell the information they learn about you to third parties, who may send you anything from unsolicited marketing emails to harmful, targeted scams.

If you don’t have the patience to read every privacy notice, it is still worthwhile saying no to all but essential cookies. It’s quicker than it seems. And make sure to deny the company’s permission to contact you or share your data unless you trust them.


Internet safety can seem daunting, but most people don’t think twice about improving their car security, home security, and personal safety.  Stay observant, check out the identities of people you haven’t developed relationships with yet, and employ a few other good internet habits to keep you, your friends, and your family safe online.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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How to Improve Workplace Security

We often talk about workplace safety and even use scaffolding planks and other such tools to make jobs easier and safer. However, we hardly talk about workplace security, which is as important as safety, if no more. In fact, the two concepts are interlinked. You can’ feel safe if you’re not secure. It’s important to keep the place safe from intruders and protect employees from injuries. Read on to find out how you can significantly improve the security of a workplace. Make Sure to Lock All Doors and Windows : Having a secure system for locking your place after leaving is one way you can ensure workplace safety. Make sure you have windows and doors that lock securely. The best option is to use a complete security system that’s computerized and can control all entrances without any trouble. This helps ensure the job is done properly. Restrict Access to Important Zones : You will have confidential information that you’d like to keep secure. The best option is to keep such information in a password-protected zone so that only people who have an access to it can enter or exit the room. You may also use other tricks, such as biometric verification, to control entry and exit. Install a Security System : Have a security system installed in your workplace to ensure more security. Burglars are less likely to break into a property that’s secured. You can install CCTV cameras and motion detectors to ensure security. These devices can help you keep an eye on what’s happening at work and also record video that can serve as a proof in case of a theft or other such accidents. Just invest in a high-quality CCTV system that can record videos at night and also allow you to enjoy live feeds on your mobile devices. Protect Against Fire : A fire alarm is a great way to keep your workplace safe. If there was even a threat of a fire being started the alarm would go off to alert everyone to quickly evacuate the place. They can also instruct sprinklers to go off so that the damage is reduced. Moreover, the latest smoke detectors can also send you a notification on your email or phone in case there’s a fire so that you can take an action quickly. Draw an Emergy Plan : Have an effective emergency plan so that people can escape in case of an emergency. Also, prepare a list of procedures to follow in case of an emergency so that the extent of damage can be reduced. A list of emergency contacts should be kept with all the workers for their safety. drill for evacuating the place in case of any emergencies is also necessary. Having this drill every now and then will help the workers be quick and organized with the evacuation process. Have Security : Believe it or not, this trick is still quite effective in keeping burglars away. Hire security staff to safeguard the entrance. Also, create security checks at all entrance points to ensure nobody enters the property without being inspected. Train Your Employees This is a great way to improve the safety of your workplace. Training your employees to take all security measures properly will help make the place more secure. They should know how to lock or unlock doors and keep information safe and secure. Reduce Visitor Interaction : Visitors should be limited to only a few specific areas of the workplace. They should not be allowed on places like storerooms, utility closets, or boiler rooms. Also, make sure to keep a record of all visitors and to have guest passes so that you’re well aware of guests in the workplace. Protect Your Data Data security is very important. Since most of our data is stored on computers, criminals can access it without having to physically break into the premises. Make sure to strengthen your IT department and to use fool proof methods to safeguard your computers. Password protect all your files and use passwords that are hard to guess. Also, make use of an antivirus to ensure no malware or spyware can cause your system to get infected. Also, train your employees on how to safeguard data. It’s also common for employees to get involved in theft for different reasons. This can be prevented by making sure they can’t download or take data back home. Get in Touch with Professionals This is the best way to ensure safety and security. A professional security firm will ensure you’re well protected against all kinds of dangers. Speak to different organizations and pick one that appears the most reliable to you. Follow these simple tips to ensure workplace security. It’s important because nobody wants to work at a place that’s unsecure. Read Also: Why Is It Essential To Have A Social Security Number? Top 10 Computer Security Mistakes Relocating Your Business To Downtown Toronto? Read This First

Workplace Injuries

The Hidden Damages In Workspaces: 5 Steps To Reduce The Risk Of Workplace Injuries!

Cleaner workplace means high performance, increased employee productivity, and safe, healthy stuff. However, the always going production services increased workloads, and busy schedule causes the standards to dip. Of course, it's obvious that safety and health hazards occur on workspaces that have heavy machines and equipment where workers are engaged in strenuous manual labor. However, a place where most of the tasks are completed by just sitting on the chair posses less danger. According to the national safety council, in every 7-seconds, a worker is injured with most occupations like transportation, construction and more being the most common places for injuries. Here are a few things you need to look to reduce the risk of workplace injuries: To Minimize Falls: Things like trips, slips, and falls are the most common type of workplace injuries. To reduce them: Stay Clean And Clutter-Free: Things like files, boxes and other items in the walkways create a tripping hazard. So, make sure you store all the items in a proper location to prevent piles of clutter. Keep oils and other lubricants at separate shelves to avoid slips and falls. Besides, apart from posing electrical hazards, keeping cords and cables in the walkways poses more risk at workplaces.   Step On The Chair: Using chairs and stools to pick up things comes in fall hazards. Therefore, employees who want to search for something at some height should use a stepladder. Just make sure that the ladders you give to employees should be placed on a level and stable ground.   Make Sure Things Are Visible: There might be situations when workers can collide when taking a turn to blind corners. However, to prevent this, make sure to install mirrors (convex mirrors) at the intersection to minimize a collision. This way workers will be able to see who’s coming and collisions will be less likely to occur.   Work In Skid-Resistant Floors: Placing carpets and having skid-resistant floors help reduce falls. Further, marbles and tiles can become slippery, especially in wet weather. However, having professionals like Commercial cleaning services Las Vegas will keep them clean and will reduce the chance of falls.   Minimizing The Accidents Occurred From Moving Machinery: Machines that are not guarded are at high risk of safety. And, if anybody part get caught in or struck by the exposed part, without the protective guard, the result can be disastrous. Crushed hands, severed fingers, blindness, and injured arm are some of the common machine-related injuries. Moreover, these injuries occur in places where heavy equipment and machinery are used. However, protective equipment and attention to minor details help to avoid these injuries. Reduce Vehicle Injuries: Workers who drive for business purposes, often get injured in auto accidents, which can vary from the minor ones to the fatal ones. However, the employees safe-driving training and driver policies can help to reduce accidents. Reducing Falling Object Injuries: Objects that fall from shelves or by another person can result in serious injuries, with head injuries being the most common one. Employee’s negligence and employer’s hard work to keep the work environment free from any injuries. Of course, you should train employees for the usage of gears and machines. Overexertion Injuries: Things like pushing, lifting, pulling, carrying and throwing heavy objects at work can also cause serious overexertion injuries. Those who experience overexertion injuries can result in medical bills, physical therapy, missed work time. In fact, overexertion injuries are the second leading cause of on-job injuries and accidents.  These are some most common associated injuries: Back Injuries: These injuries vary from mild strains to severe spinal cord injuries. Neck Injuries: Neck is the most sensitive body part, and any injury to this section can result in deleterious effects. Muscle Strains: while muscle injuries are not serious ones, they can prevent a worker from doing serious work. Pushing, lifting objects, carrying heavy things can result in muscle strain. So, those were some common work-related injuries. Keep them in mind and keep your employees safe and sound! Read Also: Making Your Office Safer For Workers How To Improve Workplace Security 5 Safety Awareness Ideas To Maintain A Safe Workplace

Social Security Card

How To Replace Your Social Security Card Online

Your Social Security card is a very important document and you need your card for a variety of things. If you want to apply for Social Security retirement benefits or disability benefits you are going to need a copy of your card and you also need a copy of your card to get other types of benefits as well. Your Social Security card is one of the most important documents you own and you need to keep it somewhere safe so it doesn't get lost. Your Social Security card isn't something that you need to show often, but your Social Security number is something that you need to use often. Memorize your Social Security number and that way you won't need to use the card. The Social Security card is small and it is printed on thin paper which makes it easy to lose or damage. If you have lost or damaged your card you are going to need to get a new one. One of the most convenient ways to get your Social Security card is to apply for it online. If you apply for a replacement card online you won't need to leave the house and you won't have to go to the Social Security office. The Social Security office can be a true nightmare, especially if you don't like standing in line. It can take forever to be seen and the office is always crowded no matter when you go. You have to take a number and wait, and wait, and wait. Sometimes it can take hours to be seen. It is much more convenient to get your social security card online because you won't need to wait at the office and you can fill out the application at any time. You don't even save time by going to the office because they won't issue a card on the spot. You have to wait for it to come in the mail no matter how you apply so you might as well get your card online. You will have to prove your identity when you get your replacement card. You need to prove your age and citizenship. You will need your driver's license and birth certificate to prove your age and identity. The birth certificate has to be a certified copy or an original. If you don't have the right documents you won't be able to get your card so make sure that you have the documents you need. You might also need to provide additional documents. You can get a list of the documents you need on the Social Security website. If you are missing even one document you won't be able to get your card so make sure that you have everything you need before you start the application. If you are missing a document you won't be able to get your card so make sure that you have everything you need before you begin the application. It can take some time to gather the documents so give yourself plenty of time to get the documents together so you are ready to get your new card without any problems. There can be a lot of problems when you are applying for your card if you are not prepared so make sure that you have everything you need and that you are prepared to get the card. You can get a replacement card for free. You won't have to pay anything for it and it will come in the mail. It doesn't matter whether you apply for your card in person or you apply online, the card is going to come through the mail no matter what you end up doing. It takes about three weeks to get your card so you need to make sure that you have an idea about when it is going to come. If your card gets lost or stolen you could end up becoming a victim of identity theft and if this happens your life is going to be difficult. The only thing an identity thief needs to steal your identity is your Social Security number. They can easily steal your identity with your Social Security number and start opening up lots of different accounts in your name. They run up the credit cards and leave you with the bill. You could end up getting sued by the creditors and your credit score is going to be destroyed while you are trying to clear your name. You will have to file police reports and do many time-consuming things to clear your name. If you have your identity stolen and you need to buy a car or you were planning on buying a home you won't be able to do the things you want because your credit score is going to be low. Straightening out a case of identity theft can be difficult and it can also be a lot of work. You are going to have to work hard to clear your name and it can take a long time to get things fixed. If you don't get your replacement Social Security card when you are supposed to get it to make sure you that you report your card as stolen or missing. The Social Security Administration will send you out a new card. Once you get your card you want to make sure that you keep it in a safe place. Memorize your Social Security number since you need to use it for many different things. The card you rarely need to show so be sure to keep the card in a drawer or safe. You don't want to end up losing the card again. Getting a replacement Social Security card is very easy as long as you have the right documents. You have to be willing to show the documents you need and you want to keep an eye on the card in case it gets lost. Your Social Security card is an important document and you are going to need it when you retire. Read Also: Why DRM Is The New Standard For Document Security “Which Backend Keys Makes Social Networking Sites & Apps Works Smoothly?